Dr. Menno van Pelt-Deen is a Design Researcher who explores game design in unique contexts, such as swimming pools, therapeutic sessions, and forests. He collaborates with professionals, students, and non-game developers, building bridges between industries, disciplines, and people.

His work fosters the inclusion of new perspectives and domains in the game development industry, promoting honest dialogue amongst players. Menno initiated Games Jams that focus on inclusion, health, education, and cultural heritage, inspiring and connecting participants. He co-founded Lapp, a game studio that develops prototypes and conducts user tests for games encouraging meaningful interactions between (grand)parents and children.

As chairman of Games for Diversity, Menno strives to improve the representation and inclusion of socio-cultural minorities in games through events like game jams, talks, and mixers. He organizes showcases at GDC and Gamescom, industry meetings in Utrecht, and various conferences and summits. Currently, Menno is working on games addressing cancer, arthritis, loneliness, and other (mental) health-related subjects, all aimed at connecting people through play.